Tuesday, December 30, 2008

First Fill

I had my first fill on Dec 18th. It was pretty uneventful and painless. :)

I drove to Wichita Falls by myself because Dave couldn't get off of work. No biggie. It was nice. I could listen to MY music as loud as I wanted and sing as loud as I wanted. LOL I did have to charge up with a caramel macchiato for the drive home, though. :)

Anyway, back to the appt. I went back and weighed. I was down about 10lbs from my last appt on Nov 21st. Not too shabby. Dr. Warnock checked out my incisions and felt around for my port. He asked me what I was eating and if I was having any issues.

Then it was time for the fill. I laid down on the table and he left to get his handy dandy cart (which I have so got to get a picture of sometime) and the nurse. They both came back into the room. He filled a syringe and then proceeded to squirt the saline out, much like those creepy spy movies where they are getting ready to inject some prisoner with truth serum. LOL Then the nurse sorta lifted my legs and Dr. Warnock had me do a semi-crunch. He felt around a bit, found the port, stick in the needle and injected the saline. Easy peasy. Then the nurse put a band aid on. Then I was done.

Before I left the office, I scheduled my next appt. It will be done at the hospital under the fluoroscope machine, which will be super cool. I will be getting pictures of that for sure. :)

When I got home and told Dave about it I noticed something quite funny. The nurse didn't even put the band aid on the injection site. LOL There was just a tiny dot of red where the site was and the band aid was well below that, on the actual incision. Dave and I thought it was funny anyway. LOL

I'll be sure to update you after my next fill, if not before.