Saturday, September 27, 2008

It's been a long time..

Well, I really intended to keep up with this blog much better but life sorta got in the way, as it often does. lol

Not much happening on the weightloss front. I'm not losing. I have gained since the last post, however I do have news.

In early Sept I made an appt with my PCM to discuss weight loss surgery(WLS). I told him I was interested in getting the Lapband surgery and that I needed a referral to a bariatric surgeon. I knew things would be great when he said, " I'm a big fan of WLS.". :) He asked if there was any particular dr I wanted to see and I told him that there was a dr in Wichita Falls I had done quite a bit of research on. So he put in a referral. It was rejected. He re-submitted it and it was APPROVED!! So, I have a consult appt scheduled for Oct. 28th with the dr in Wichita Falls.
I've filled out most of the required paperwork and will be getting it mailed off this week so that they will have everything they need for the consult.

So, that's where I am in my journey. I'm tired of being fat. I'm tired of working hard for little to no results. I'm tired of what little results I have being short-lived. I'm just tired. Hopefully the consult will be great and surgery can be scheduled relatively soon. :)